Our Mission

GlobalUNO means we are one in this world.

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Our Mission

We have to work together as one team; we want everyone (not some) to benefit from quality, equitable, and inclusive education. GlobalUNO brings individuals from different backgrounds, from different countries, thus allowing the sharing of knowledge and sharing of cultures under one universal mission.

Education is not just a resource it is a human resource.

These resources can be acquired by access to inclusive and equitable education. GlobalUNO develops learning opportunities designed to experience a true sense of belonging, while allowing individuality to be recognized and valued by others. We also recognize that each person has different circumstances, and with this in mind, we allocate the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome. We are determined to inspire people across the globe to share their resources, knowledge, creativity, and innovative ideas to implement sustainable solutions that will build a more equitable world.

A young boy in a village in South America
What We Believe
education is not just a resource
it is a human resource
it is fundamental in creating
that which makes us — us
to be human is to learn
it is our innate love for knowledge
and discovery that opens the world to us
and powers us to envision new ones
to share this one life we all have
to learn, grow, teach, understand
and create possibility for
each and every one of us
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